
It's going to snow. Again!

Well, we missed the big storm in December that dropped 20 inches on my new city. Over the weekend, we got about 6 inches of snow. Then it started melting, which was nice. Yesterday, we got a few more inches, which was not so nice, but the roads are pretty clear today. School still got canceled, and there aren't many people out. I was told that this weekend, thanks to the Texas storm, we're supposed to get hit with 14 inches of snow. Would this be a good time to get out of dodge and head to KC?!

We have most of our provisions set. We could use some more milk, but I can get that today after I pick up the hubby from work. Rewind needs a refill of his eye drops. I tell ya, the vet would NEVER believe that he lets me pick his eye boogers out of his crusty eye so he can open it. He's that patient with me. It's taken time to develop the trust, but once he realizes what I'm doing isn't hurting, he's just fine with it. And here I was, ready to cut my nails, but it turns out they come in handy for this job. (And yes, I think it's rather gross, but I also think baby poop is gross, but you deal with it, yes? Yes.)

And speaking of jobs, I am still jobless, and going less crazy about it. It's nice to be home. I'm here when the maintenance people come. I get my packages from UPS right away. Sometimes I even greet the mailman. Of course, I get to hear the screaming lady who sounds like a chicken when she yells at her kids, but that's only been two days out of the past month. But one thing I have decided to do is get really serious about my photography and develop my hobby into a paying hobby. I enrolled in a course that will help me flesh out my ideas on photography as well as maybe some other freelance ideas I have floating around. I'm very excited, though it was a little scary to let go of some money to do it. But this is an investment in myself, and since I know very little about business and entrepreneurship and freelancing, I expect to learn a lot and get my money's worth.

1 comment:

  1. awesome!! I love how you decided to do that and now you're going for it! I envy others' decisiveness!
