Well, this semester is off to a very busy start. Thanks to my planning last year, I am teaching violin to 9 students! I decided to become trained in Suzuki violin, after having learned the songs many years ago, so that I may be able to teach my little one when the time comes. After my certification, there were no openings to teach, so I waited, and in December, I was contacted because a teacher was leaving. So now I am teaching 6 Pre-Twinklers (box violins, stick bows, eventually will get real violins) and 3 private students. They really keep me busy, and every day is quite the learning experience for me. It's been great! I am also teaching at a couple of elementary schools after school three days a week - 3rd and 4th graders. And that is also going well.
And come May, I will be spending a month abroad with college kids! Vienna, Graz, Split, and Sarajevo are all on the itinerary. And I'm lucky enough to get a nonstop flight straight into Vienna. HEAVEN. Now, if I could just take off these 6 pounds from the Christmas fudge, then I'd think all the planets were aligned just for me. ;)